The new album "PORTRAIT OF SKRJABIN" – the mystery of an elusive genius

 24 Prelude, Op. 11, Ninth Sonata, Op. 68 no. 9 and two poems, op. 32 by Alexander Scriabin, as well as "Homage S." Alexander Skrjabin portrays Vjekoslav Nježić. However, this album is also a musical self-portrait of Sabrina Zelić...

About Sabrina

Sabrina Zelić, pianist

Sabrina Zelić graduated from the Zagreb Academy of Music in the class of renowned pianist Pavica Gvozdić in 1990. Thanks to her musicality, temperament, and a high degree of technical skill, she won a state scholarship to study at the prestigious Moscow University P. I. Tchaikovsky State Conservatory, where in 1991/92 she attended a specialization program in the class of Prof. Henrieta Mirvis with the assistance of Irina Plotnikova. At the Conservatory she also completed her postgraduate studies in 1996 in the class of the great Russian pianist Nikolai Petrov, who describes her as an excellent musician with a good sense of form and sound. During her education, she held numerous solo and chamber concerts and participated in many regional, national, and international competitions, winning numerous awards and recognitions. She also acquired her knowledge working with eminent artists such as Evgeny Timakin, Rudolf Kehrer, Arbo Valdma, Alexander Satz and Elizaveta Ginzburg. Ever since her first solo recital, held at the age of 13, while still in the class of Prof. Neda Stanković, Sabrina Zelić has been continuously present on the piano scene. She has given numerous solo recitals in cultural centers and renowned halls throughout Europe, including Croatia, Italy, Austria, Germany, Spain, Russia, Tatarstan, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a soloist, she performed with the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra and collaborated in the projects of the Zagreb Philharmonic. In cooperation with Croatian and international colleagues, she has given numerous chamber performances. Her exceptional successes in chamber music include concerts of Russian and Croatian contemporary music held in Moscow and Kazan. Special mention must be made of the performance of Bach's and Mozart's concertos for two pianos in collaboration with the Kazan Chamber Orchestra, performed at the Rachmaninoff Hall of the Tchaikovsky State Conservatory in Moscow. She has guested at many festivals, including the European Music Days in Munich, Ohrid Summer, Sarajevo Winter, October Days of Culture, Tatarstan’s Europe–Asia Contemporary Music Festival, the Lubenice Musical Evenings International Chamber Music Festival, as well as the International Chamber Music Festival in Vukovar. She has recorded with Croatian Radio-Television and Radio-Televisions Moscow, Bryansk, Detmold, Florence, Udine, Sarajevo, Priština, Belgrade, Mostar and Skopje. In 2010, in recognition of her series of successful performances in Chopin's jubilee year and her commitment and contribution to the work of the Fryderyk Chopin Society, Poland’s Ministry of Culture honored her with the Order of Merit for Polish Culture. She works diligently on the promotion of the Russian piano school and related pedagogical literature. Her translations of sections from the book P. I. Tchaikovsky’s Children’s Album (authored by S. Eisenstadt) were published in Tonovi, a Croatian journal for music and dance teachers. Her translation of A. Maykapar's book J. S. Bach’s Two-Part Inventions was published in 2021. In addition to her concert performances, she dedicates herself to pedagogical work at Zagreb University’s Academy of Music, integrating the traditions of the Zagreb and the Russian piano schools.

CD new release

“Portrait of Skrjabin”

CD new Album for purchasing

More about the new release and the pianist

Sabrina Zelić in conversation regarding the new album

I started playing like most children, because my parents enrolled me in a music school. I didn't have any personal desire, no knowledge of what it meant. At the same time, I started elementary school, so I attended two schools. Then there was information in my head that it should be like that. I grew up in the old Sarajevo quarter where there was no tradition of classical music. I must admit that I was a significantly more successful student in elementary school. Music school was boring to me, nothing was clear to me, neither what I was learning there nor what it was for. That's how it went for the first three years. I changed professors, was the subject of lively discussions at home, punishments because I didn't want to practice... until, somewhere in the third or fourth grade, a young teacher, still a student, appeared and assigned me October from Tchaikovsky's Seasons. Even today, I cannot rationally explain that event. She played it and suddenly everything changed.

For the entire interview of Davor Hrvoje, as well as photos of Marko Pletikosa, visit the following link

Scriabin: Two poems, op. 32 – Poem in F sharp major, nr. 1 – Andante cantabile

Scriabin: 24 Preludes, op. 11 no. 1, Vivace

Sabrina Zelić – Scriabin: 24 Preludes, op. 11 no. 24, Presto

Scriabin: Two poems, op. 32 – Poem in D major, nr. 2 – Allegro

Scriabin: 24 Preludes, op. 11 no. 24, Presto




Johann Sebastian  Bach

Das Wohltemperierte Klavier / Dobro ugođeni klavir, I. sv.

Preludiji i fuge:

  • C-dur (BWV 846), c-mol (BWV 847), D-dur (BWV 850),
  • d-mol (BWV 851), E-dur (BWV 854), e-mol (BWV 855),
  • Fis-dur (BWV 858), As-dur (BWV ), gis-mol (BWV 863), B-dur (BWV 866), b-mol (BWV 867)

Das Wohltemperierte Klavier / Dobro ugođeni klavir, II. sv.

  • Preludiji i fuge:
  • C-dur (BWV 870), c-mol (BWV 871), d-mol (BWV 875),
  • f-mol (BWV 881),  G-dur (BWV 884), gis-mol (BWV 887), A-dur (BWV 888)
  • Partita u B-duru BWV 825
  • Partita u a-molu BWV 827
  • Fantazija u c-molu, BWV 906
  • Italienisches Konzert (Concerto nach italienischen Guste) / Talijanski koncert, BWV 971
  • Koncert za čembalo i gudače u f-molu,  BWV 1056 (na klaviru)
  • Koncert za čembalo i gudače u A-duru,  BWV 1055 (na klaviru)
  • Koncert za dva čembala u C-duru, BWV 1061 (na klaviru)
  • Inventionen / Dvoglasne invencije (integralno) BWV 772 – 786

Obrade za sopranski saksofon i klavir:

  • Adagio iz Koncerta za obou u g-molu, BWV 1056R
  • Adagio iz Sonate za violinu i čembalo u G-duru, BWV 1019
  • Koralni preludij Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, BWV 711
  • Andante iz Sonate za violinu i čembalo u A-duru, BWV 1015
  • Fantasia super ‘Christ lag in Todesbanden’, BWV 659a
  • Adagio iz Tokate, adagia i fuge za orgulje, BWV 564
  • Koralni preludij Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645
  • Andante iz Sonate za flautu i basso continuo u e-molu, BWV 1034
  • Koralni preludij Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 646
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
  • Sonata u c-molu, H 121 (Wq 65/31)
  • Sonata u G-duru, H 119 (Wq 62/19)  
Béla Bartók
  • Suita za klavir, op. 14
  • Sonata za klavir, BB 88 (Sz. 80)
Ludwig van Beethoven


  • op. 2 br. 1 , op. 2 br. 2, op. 10 br. 1, op. 10 br. 2,  op. 14 br. 1, op. 27. br. 1,
  • op. 27 br. 2, op. 28 , op. 31 br. 2, op. 57 , op. 79 , op. 81a ,
  • op. 90 , op. 109
  • Koncert za klavir i orkestar u C-duru, op. 15  br.1
  • Koncert za klavir i orkestar u B-duru, op. 19  br.2
Johannes Brahms 
  • Dvije rapsodije, op. 79
  • Sonata u fis-molu, op. 2
  • Koncert za klavir i orkestar u d-molu, op. 15, br.1
  • Neue Liebeslieder-Walzer / Novi valceri na ljubavne pjesme, op. 65a, za klavir četveroručno
  • Balada u g-molu op. 118, br. 3     
  • Ungarische Tänze / Mađarski plesovi, WOO 1, izbor za klavir četveroručno
  • 5 valcera, op. 39, za klavir četveroručno
Frédéric Chopin


  • Op. 64: br. 1, u Des-duru; br. 2, u cis-molu; br. 3, u As-duru
  • Op. 69: br. 2, u h-molu
  • Op. 70: br. 2, u f-molu


  • Op. 40 br. 1, u A-duru
  • Op. post. u gis-molu

Balada u F-duru, op. 38 br. 2Balada u F-duru, op. 38 br. 2
Scherzo u h-molu, op. 20 br. 1

  • Op. 9 br. 1, u b-molu
  • Op. 48 br. 1, u c-molu
  • Op. post. u cis-molu, B. 49

Sonata u b-molu, op. 35
Koncert za klavir i orkestar u f-molu, op. 21 br.2


  • Op. 17: br. 2, u e-molu; br. 4, u a-molu
  • Op. 24 br. 2, u C-duru
  • Op. 63: br. 2, u f-molu; br. 3, u cis-molu
  • Op. post. 68: br. 3, u F-duru; op. 68 br. 4, u f-molu

Etide op. 10 i op. 25, izbor

Petar Ilič Čajkovski
  • Detskii albom / Dječji album, op.39 (integralno)
  • Vr’emena goda / Godišnja doba, op. 37a: izbor
  • Mihail Pletnjov: Koncertna suita iz baleta Ščelkunščik / Orašar, prema Čajkovskomu (integralno)
Claude Debussy

Pour le piano / Za klavir, L. 95

Suite bergamasque / Bergamska suita, L. 82

Préludes / Preludiji, 1. knjiga, L. 125:

  • Le vent dans la plaine / Vjetar u ravnici
  •  Les collines d’ Anacapri / Brežuljci Anacaprija
  •  Des pas sur la neige / Stope na snijegu
  •  Ce qu’a vu le vent d’ Ouest / Evo što je vidio zapadni vjetarLa fille aux cheveux de lin / Djevojka lanene kose

Préludes / Preludiji, 2. knjiga, L. 131:

  • General Lavine – eccentric / Ekscentrični general Lavine
Joseph Haydn
  • Sonata u F-duru, Hob. XVI:23
  • Sonata u G-duru, Hob. XVI:27
  • Sonata u h-molu, Hob. XVI:32
  • Sonata u D-duru, Hob. XVI:37
  • Sonata u C-duru, Hob. XVI:50
  • Koncert za klavir i orkestar u D-duru, Hob. XVIII:11
Franz Liszt

Années de Pèlerinagee / Godine hodočašća:

  • Première année: Suisse / Prva godina: Švicarska, S. 160
  • Orage / Oluja:
    • Deuxième année: Italie / Druga godina: Italija, S. 161
    • Sonetto 123 del Petrarca / 123. Petrarcin sonet

13. Mađarska rapsodija u A-duru, S. 244/13

Etide – izbor

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Rondo za klavir i orkestar u D-duru, KV 382
  • Koncert za klavir i orkestar u C-duru, KV 467
  • Koncert za tri, odnosno dva klavira i orkestar u F-duru, KV 242 (za dva klavira)
  • 12 varijacija u C-duru na temu Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman, KV 265 (300e)
  • Adagio u h-molu, KV 540
  • Fantazija u d-molu, KV 397
  • Sonata u C-duru, KV 330
  • Sonata u A-duru, KV 331
  • Sonata u F-duru,  KV 332
  • Sonata u F-duru, KV 533 (494)
  • Sonata u B-duru, KV 570
  • Sonata u C-duru, KV 545, „Facile“
Sergej Prokofjev

Mimoljotnosti (Visions fugitives) / Letimičnosti , op. 22 ( integralno)

Navaždenije (Suggestion diabolique) / Opsjednutost op. 4 br. 4

Sonata u c-molu, op. 29 br. 4

Maurice Ravel

Le tombeau de Couperin / Couperinov grob


Jeux d’eau / Vodoskoci

Pavane pour une infante defunte /Pavana za preminulu infantkinju

Domenico Scarlatti 

Sonate (izbor)

Franz   Schubert

Impromptu u As-duru, op. 90 (D 899) br. 4 Sonata u a-molu, op. post. 143 (D 784)

Robert  Schumann

Faschingschwank aus Wien / Bečki karneval, op. 26

Papillons / Leptiri,  op. 2

Romanca, op. 28 br. 2

Phantasiestücke / Fantazijski komadi, op. 12

Aleksandar Skrjabin 

Etide op. 2 br. 1, op. 8 br. 5, op. 8 br. 11, op. 8 br. 12

24 preludija, op. 11  ( integralno)

Sonata-fantazija, op. 19 br. 2

Deveta sonata op. 68

Dimitrij Šostakovič

24 preludija i fuge, op. 87:

  • 5. preludij i fuga u D-duru
  • 24. preludij i fuga u d-molu
Leonid Desjatnikov

Du côté de chez Swann / Put k Swannu (za dva klavira)

Aljbom dlja Ajliki / Album za Ajliki (za klavir četveroručno)

Valerij Gavrilin

Suita Zarisovski (za klavir četveroručno)

Alfred Šnitke

Glazba za predstavu Revizor, obrada za dva klavira

Zuleiha Raupova

Tango pentatonico za dva klavira


Vjekoslav Nježić

Hommage S

Davorin Kempf

Melodija-Hommage a B.Bartok

Tri pogleda na osorsku katedralu

Sanja Drakulić

Pet intermezza

Predgrađe i grad za klavir četveroručno

Illijana za klavir četveroručno

Boris Papandopulo

Izbor iz „Horoskopa“ za dva klavira

Anđelko Klobučar

Diptih za dva klavira

Bruno Bjelinski

Svita Romeo i Julija za dva klavira

Berislav Šipuš

Dick Tracy i vrlo kratka i vrlo čudna priča Glaxo Blue za dva klavira

Ivan Lukačić

Moteti i duhovni koncerti iz zbirke Sacrae cantiones (obrada za sopranski saksofon i klavir



Aleksander Skrjabin, Etude in C sharp minor Op. 2 no. 1

Berislav Sipus – Dick Tracy and the very strange and very short story of Glaxo Blue – Performed by Sabrina Zelic i Rustem Kudojarov

Sergei Prokofiev – Visions fugitives (Mimoljetnosti), Op. 22


HR-10000 Zagreb
